Strategic Analysis of the China-Japan-Korea Free Trade Zone


  • Hua Wu Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences, Beijing, 100142 China


Keywords Free Trade Zone, China-Japan-Korea Strategy, Regional Cooperation


China, Japan, and Korea represent pivotal economies on the global stage and are each other’s key trading partners. Establishing the China-Japan-Korea Free Trade Zone (CJK FTZ) fosters deep cooperation among these nations within a robust institutional framework, significantly benefiting regional economic activities. The development of the CJK FTZ is a crucial element of China’s broader strategy for external regional economic collaboration. It necessitates a high-level recognition of its importance, a precise understanding of its role and impact within China’s regional economic cooperation strategy, and harmonization with other regional economic initiatives. Such alignment is essential to protect and enhance national economic interests and further accelerate economic integration in East Asia and the broader Asia-Pacific area.


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How to Cite

Wu, H. (2024). Strategic Analysis of the China-Japan-Korea Free Trade Zone. Advanced Perspectives on Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(1), 9–12. Retrieved from


